What is PBL?
We identify, encourage, celebrate and re-enforce positive behaviours at our school.
Our school community promotes a culture of positive and respectful relationships and our students are committed and responsible learners who strive to challenge the future.
At our school, we use Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) – a whole-school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate where students can learn and develop. Our whole school community works together to establish expected behaviours and teach them to all students.
We have signage across the school and run frequent interactive and engaging PosBL lessons to re-enforce positive behaviour. Students who exhibit these positive behaviours are rewarded with Park Positives.
See our PosBL matrix for details on behaviours to be celebrated across a range of contexts at school.
Positive Behaviour for Learning - Matrix

Why PBL?
Positive Behaviour for Learning, known as PBL is an evidence-based whole school systems approach that:
- addresses the diverse academic and social needs of every student to support them to be successful
- supports students in early childhood settings through to senior years of schooling
- enables schools to establish a continuum of supports that are intensified to meet the needs of every student
- is team driven, using a problem-solving approach (data, systems and practices) that engages students, parents and all school staff
- establishes positive social expectations for all in the school community
- provides a framework for the school and its community to collectively support the wellbeing of every student.
When implemented well:
- students respond positively as they have been taught what is expected of them
- staff deliver consistent responses to student learning and behaviour
- students feel safe and cared for at school. Their parents, family and community are more involved in their school
- unproductive and challenging behaviour can be significantly reduced for most students.
How does it work?
- PBL aims to address and reduce problem behaviours by encouraging positive behaviour from students.
- Clear expectations = Clear consequences
- It aims to clearly teach, practice, reward & reteach students what behaviours are expected of them.
- Systems approach
- Data-driven decision making
- PBL is a long term project