The Parkside Centre is a region leading theraputic learning setting. We have the highest attendance compared to similar settings across the region and it is viewed as a lighthouse setting, demonstrating best practice to support mental health needs.
Parkside's motto is Connect, Belong Succeed. This is a process that we aim for students to experience during their time in the Parkside Centre. First, we try to connect students with our setting and the people within it. Connection leads to a feeling on belonging in school, a concept that may have been difficult to grasp for some students in the past. Finally, with a connection and belonging established, students are then in a position to succeed in whatever their goals align to.
Neurosequential Model of Education
We base our practice on the Neurosequential Education Model (NME). This model was developed by Doctor Bruce Perry and was specfically designed for schools. NME is founded in brain physiology and its reaction to the environment based on previous life expereince. It acknowledges that the human brain is a remarkably complex organ and mediates all of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is an organ that allows us to form and maintain relationships, read, write, play sport, dance and sing. There is not a single aspect of human life that does not involve the brain and it makes sense to understand it and target specfic areas of it to ensure learning is optimised. NME helps educators better understrand how the brain processes, stores and retrieves information and is foundational to education. See below for a basic heuristic that our staff use daily for teaching.

Trauma-Informed Practice
Parkside classrooms adhere to a trauma informed learning environment based on the 6 Rs as outlined by Dr Bruce Perry.
Relational - Classrooms are a safe environment based on building positve and supprotive relationships for all.
Relevant - Learning for students is developmentally matched to both brain function and ability. Also, staff are encouraged to teach to their own strengths to promote professional agency and confidence.
Repetitive - Days are structured to best support students' physical and emotional needs. Routines are established and used to create predictable, stable envrionments that enable students the best opportunity to thrive.
Rewarding - Students receive consistent positive re-enforcement for engaging in learning and pro-social behaviours. Students' learning is also matched to abilty to enable success and leads to the learning process being a pleasureable experience.
Rhythmic - Learning and emotional regulation is aligned to neural patterns. If a student is not ready to learn, co -regulation strategies are used support brain function and open the cortex.
Respectful - Parkside staff always have the dignity to pay respect to the child's family and culture. This creates a inclusive environment where all are welcome.
The graphic below is the stress continuum. It helps staff and students identify possibilites and limitations in line with various stess levels. This graphic underpins our Trauma Informed Approach.

Supportive Modern Classroom and Environments
The environment at Parkside aims to support students comfort and safety. Whether it be high energy bouncing on a trampoline, relationship building games of handball or a soothing rock and in hammock, our outdoor environment has something for all students and the various levels of intrests and needs.
Our classroom are equipped with cooking facilities and felxible furniture, allowing for students to feelsupported with options for quiet individual regulation and socialisation. Each student receives a laptop to access their learning linked to Individual Education Plans. Parkside has an 'Academy' class that is geard toward transitioning students back to mainstream education, employment or tertiarry educaiton through a supportive HSC process. This class works closely with the Support Teacher for Transition in creating sustainable furture pathways for our students.